Immune System

  1. 3. Proteins that recognize and bind to antigens.
  2. 7. Human body system which fights infections.
  3. 8. Soft tissues within the bones.
  4. 9. Injection of a weakened pathogen to produce immunity.
  5. 12. Line of defense which keeps pathogens out.
  6. 13. Elevated body temperature in response to infection.
  7. 14. Immunity produced by exposure to an antigen.
  1. 1. Line of defense which fights pathogens that enter the body.
  2. 2. Your body's most important nonspecific defense.
  3. 4. Immunity against antigens and pathogens in the body fluids.
  4. 5. Immunity against abnormal cells or pathogens within cells.
  5. 6. Proteins that help cells fight viral infections.
  6. 10. Viruses, bacteria or other pathogens.
  7. 11. Short-term immunity caused when antibodies from other animals are injected into the body.