
  1. 5. when a single type of antibody is isolated and cloned, ___________ are created.
  2. 10. these kill abnormal cells and body cells that are infected by pathogens.
  3. 11. this forms the basis of vaccination (immunisation). It involves inducing an immune response in an individual, without them suffering the symptoms of the disease.
  4. 12. these secrete antibodies into blood plasma.
  5. 15. this ______ uses antibodies to detect a particular molecule/protein complementary to it.
  6. 16. the presence of reverse transcriptase and consequent ability to make DNA from RNA means HIV is...
  7. 17. any part of an organism or substance that's recognised as non-self(foreign)by the immune system.
  8. 19. these display __________ on their surface.
  9. 21. produced by the introduction of antibodies into individuals from an outside source. No direct contact with the pathogen or antibody is necessary to induce this type of ________
  1. 1. these are responsible for the secondary immune response.
  2. 2. "A suitable vaccine must be economically available in sufficient quantities to immunise most of the vulnerable population" this is a...
  3. 3. this is important because it's never possible to vaccinate the entire population.
  4. 4. engulf and digests pathogens
  5. 6. made up of four polypeptide chains. The chains if one pair are long and are called heavy chains.
  6. 7. humoral responses involve...
  7. 8. response is slower and ________ to each pathogen
  8. 9. involves antibodies which are soluble in the blood and tissue/fluid of the body and many different types of b cells.
  9. 13. a protein produced by _________ that makes holes in the cell membrane of ____________________
  10. 14. your body has a range of these to protect itself from pathogens. Some are general and immediate
  11. 18. response is immediate and the same for all pathogens
  12. 20. cell-mediated responses involve...