
  1. 2. a bacteria or virus that can cause a disease
  2. 6. the exposure to a pathogen and immunity because of immune response
  3. 8. outer barriers like skin
  4. 10. the specific immune system made of lymphocytes
  5. 13. also known as antibacterials
  6. 15. a blood protein produced in response to and counteracts a specific antigen
  7. 17. treatment with a vaccine
  8. 18. immunity induced by vaccine
  1. 1. resistant to all vaccines
  2. 3. also called B-lymphocyte
  3. 4. system that protects against diseases
  4. 5. the flu is a type of
  5. 7. also known as T lymphocytes
  6. 9. a toxin that can induce an immune response
  7. 11. refusal to accept something
  8. 12. network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins
  9. 14. non-specific immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells
  10. 16. one celled organisms