immunity and the lymphatic system

  1. 4. largest lymph organ
  2. 8. abbreviation for the disease in which the body produces antibodies to the synovial membrance
  3. 10. antigen presenting cells
  4. 11. type of immunity that occurs when an individual responds to an antigen and produced own antibodies
  5. 13. physical barrier to invading microbes
  6. 14. cell eating process
  7. 15. chemical attraction of leucocytes to an area of inflammation
  8. 16. empties lymph into the left subclavian vein
  9. 17. the number of antigens each t and b lymphocyte can respond to
  10. 18. enlargement of the spleen
  1. 1. lymphocytes are released into the blood stream from here
  2. 2. white blood cell involved in immunity
  3. 3. processed in the bone marrow, their role is the production of antibodies
  4. 5. malignant tumours of the lymphoid tissue
  5. 6. made by mast cells released in inflammation
  6. 7. destroy swallowed or inhaled antigens
  7. 9. type of immunity where individuals are given immunity by someone else
  8. 12. produced by the thymus gland, activated by the presence of antigens and provide cell mediated immunity
  9. 19. clear watery fluid
  10. 20. caused by human immunodeficiency virus