Immunity & Infectious Disease Review Crossword

  1. 1. kingdom that the plasmodium parasite belongs to.
  2. 3. T cell mainly affected by the HIV virus
  3. 4. antigen presenting phagocyte.
  4. 7. type of lymphocyte that destroys infected cells.
  5. 8. parasite spread by the Anopheles mosquito
  6. 9. medium used to select for hybridoma cells (must use capitals).
  7. 11. antibodies originating from a single original white blood cell.
  8. 13. cell that produces antibodies.
  9. 14. cells produced by the specific immune response which prevent secondary infection.
  10. 15. receptor on one of the T-lymphocyte cells that allows HIV to enter the cell.
  11. 16. short-lived white blood cell and part of the non-specific immune response.
  12. 17. immunity in which antibodies are produced.
  13. 18. stimulates an immune response.
  14. 19. response involving B-lymphocytes and the production of antibodies.
  1. 2. a form of natural passive immunity.
  2. 3. cell produced by fusing spleen cells with a cancer cell.
  3. 5. type of cancer cell used to produce hybridomas.
  4. 6. disease eradicated on May 8, 1980.
  5. 10. bacterial infection of the lungs.
  6. 12. artificial active immunity.