
  1. 4. a waterproof barrier that keeps out microbes
  2. 6. the first and second lines are
  3. 9. the process which engulfs and digests pathogens
  4. 10. an antimicrobial substance found in tears
  5. 12. a body wide reaction to a pathogen
  6. 14. known as big eater
  7. 15. collection of lymph vessels that filter out germs
  1. 1. a sticky liquid that traps pathogens
  2. 2. a reflex action that clears the nose
  3. 3. little hairs that line the nasal passages
  4. 5. red, hot, swollen and sore
  5. 7. white blood cells involved in immunity
  6. 8. a protein that helps attack viruses
  7. 11. an acidic liquid secreted by the skin
  8. 13. a reflex action that clears the trachea