
  1. 2. Immunity which prevents the spread of disease in populations when more than 95% of people are vaccinated.
  2. 3. Type of T & B cell responsible for immunity.
  3. 5. Enzymes contained in the lysosomes of phagocytic cells.
  4. 6. Antibody producing B lymphocytes.
  5. 9. Substance that can be recognised as non-self and can stimulate an immune response.
  6. 10. Process by which antibodies can link pathogens together in clumps.
  7. 11. Globular protein produced by plasma cells which forms a complex with antigens.
  8. 12. Type of lymphocyte involved in the humoral response.
  1. 1. Gland where T lymphocytes mature.
  2. 4. Type of lymphocyte involved in the cell mediated response.
  3. 7. Word used to describe weakened pathogens used in some vaccines.
  4. 8. Chemicals produced by T helper cells to stimulate other white blood cells.
  5. 13. Short term immunity resulting from injection of ready made antibodies.
  6. 14. Type of T cells which kills infected cells.