Immunology Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. cytotoxic T lymphocytes
  2. 3. immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs
  3. 6. cluster of differentiation
  4. 7. mannose-binding lectin
  5. 8. systemic lupus erythematosus
  6. 11. major histocompatibility complex
  7. 13. intracellular adhesion molecules
  8. 17. antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity
  9. 19. Toll-like receptor
  10. 20. cell adhesion molecule
  11. 21. immune response
  12. 22. T-cell receptor
  13. 24. recombination signal sequences
  14. 26. antigen
  15. 27. polymorphonuclear leukocytes
  16. 29. tumor necrosis factor-alpha
  17. 31. protein family to which antibodies and B-cell receptors belong
  1. 1. interleukin
  2. 2. cell mediated immunity
  3. 4. the end stage of disease in HIV infection
  4. 5. fragment with antigen binding
  5. 7. membrane attack complex
  6. 9. lipopolysaccharide
  7. 10. fragment crystalized fragment of antibody
  8. 12. highly reactive anti-retroviral virus
  9. 14. antigen presenting cell
  10. 15. pathogen associated molecular patterns
  11. 16. B cell receptor
  12. 18. complementarity determining regions
  13. 19. Regulatory CD4+ T cells
  14. 23. C-reactive protein
  15. 25. surface immunoglobulin
  16. 26. immunoglobulin secreted by plasma cells
  17. 28. cells natural killer cell
  18. 30. human immunodeficiency virus
  19. 31. interferon