Immunology Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. “Mannose-binding lectin”: soluble acute phase response protein that can bind mannose on pathogens; can activate the lectin pathway of Complement and acts as an opsonin
  2. 3. “Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity”: a mechanism NK cells use to induce apoptosis in virally infected cells or tumor cells
  3. 7. “Acquired immune deficiency syndrome”: the end stage of disease in HIV infection
  4. 9. “C-reactive protein”: acute phase protein that binds to phosphocholine, a constituent of certain bacteria, that can trigger Complement activation and acts as an opsonin
  5. 11. “Cell mediated immunity”: adaptive immune responses in which there is a major role for effector T cells
  6. 13. “Immunoglobulin”, protein family to which antibodies and B-cell receptors belong
  7. 14. “Cytotoxic T lymphocytes”: CD8+ T cells with the effector function of targeting and killing virally infected cells and tumor cells by apoptosis
  8. 17. T cell, T cells that express the co-receptor protein CD8 which upon activation differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)
  9. 18. “Antibody”: immunoglobulin secreted by plasma cells
  10. 21. “Antigen”: a molecule that is recognized in native (original) structure by antibodies or B cell receptor, or a peptide that is presented by MHC molecules to T cell receptor
  11. 22. “lipopolysaccharide”: a cell wall component of gram negative bacteria which can be bound by TLR-4 on macrophages and dendritic cells
  12. 23. “Cluster of differentiation”: designation for specific cell-surface molecules on immune cells that help to differentiate one immune cell from another
  1. 1. cell adhesion molecule
  2. 4. “Complementarity determining regions”: the regions of the antigen binding loops of Ig molecules, antibodies and T cell receptors that come into contact with antigen
  3. 5. “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”
  4. 6. “Major histocompatibility complex”: designation for a family of cell surface molecules involved in the presentation of peptide antigens to T cells
  5. 8. “Dendritic cell”: a type of APC that presents antigen in the context of MHC to T cells
  6. 10. “Nuclear factor of activated T cells”: a key transcription factor that is required to bind to the IL-2 promoter to cause IL-2 transcription
  7. 12. “Interleukin”: general designation of many of the different cytokines, chemical messengers secreted by immune cells that help in their communication with other cells
  8. 13. “Immune Response”
  9. 15. “Human leukocyte antigen”: name of MHC gene complex and proteins in humans
  10. 16. “Highly active anti-retroviral therapy”: multiple drug treatment for HIV infection
  11. 19. cell, B lymphocyte that upon activation can differentiate into plasma cells secreting antibody molecules or B memory cells
  12. 20. Transcription factor expressed in Treg cells that is needed for Treg cell function
  13. 23. T cell, T cells that express the co-receptor protein CD4 which upon activation differentiate into distinct Thelper phenotypes with different roles in adaptive immunity