
  1. 5. materials prepared in animals or non-human sources
  2. 9. macrophage in the brain
  3. 12. route of most vaccines
  4. 13. mononuclear cells in blood
  5. 14. formation and development of WBC and RBC from stem cells
  6. 17. the ability of the immune system to control and regulate its own responses
  7. 19. type of T helper cells that promote the cellular immunity suppressing the humoral immunity (spell out the number)
  8. 20. performed before or after exposure to an infectious agent
  9. 22. immunization procedure
  10. 23. intends to cure the infection
  11. 24. type of antibody test that uses fluorescent dyes as labels
  12. 27. rapid ELISA that uses antibodies bound to membrane filters rather than polystyrene plates
  13. 30. subtype of T cells that express CD8 and class I restricted
  14. 31. antibody competes with B cells for antigen
  15. 33. a procedure designed to increase concentrations of antibodies
  16. 35. route of live attenuated influenza vaccine
  17. 36. technique to detect antibodies against multiple antigens
  18. 37. vaccine made from the polysaccharide contained in capsule of organism
  19. 41. type of vaccines made from live infectious agents without any amendment
  20. 44. vaccine used to maintain immunity level after it declines after some time has elapsed
  21. 45. important in fighting parasitic infections
  22. 46. fluorescent antibody test that appears antigen in apple green or yellow orange against a dark background
  23. 47. subtype of T cells identified by both CD4 and CD25
  24. 48. macrophage in lungs
  1. 1. biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or antigen in a sample
  2. 2. infection that refers to steps involving human intervention
  3. 3. immunization that has no immunological memory without Th cells
  4. 4. fluorescent antibody test that involves incubation of patient’s serum
  5. 6. third use of ELISA ; the higher the original antigen concentration, the weaker the eventual signal
  6. 7. system that regulates output or release of hormones
  7. 8. vaccine most sensitive to heat requiring storage at 20 degrees Celsius
  8. 10. a unique determinant on an antibody usually formed by one or more of hyper variable regions
  9. 11. main sight of hematopoiesis
  10. 12. used for pregnancy testing and rapid identification agents
  11. 15. vaccine that is highly efficacious and safe
  12. 16. mononuclear cell in blood
  13. 18. immunizing agent
  14. 21. route of small pox vaccine
  15. 25. type of T helper cells that promote the humoral immunity suppressing the cellular immunity (spell out the number)
  16. 26. express high levels of MHC II
  17. 28. vaccine made from the polysaccharide antigen of cell wall
  18. 29. increase in number indicates infection
  19. 32. safe but less effective than live attenuated vaccine
  20. 34. nomenclature depends on location
  21. 38. macrophage in kidneys
  22. 39. immunization that has induction of adaptive immune response with protection and memory
  23. 40. type of B cell that does not previously encounter any antigen matching the body
  24. 42. route of oral BCG vaccine, and sabin vaccine
  25. 43. macrophage in liver
  26. 44. play role in hypersensitivity reaction