Immuntiy body defense

  1. 1. body regard this as________
  2. 5. this also refer as T cell (killer)
  3. 6. this class of antibodies is found at saliva,tears and milk
  4. 8. this complement lead to ________
  5. 12. type of immunity pass from mom to baby called as ______ immunity
  6. 15. this type of immunity developed from exposure to pathogen called as____________artificially
  7. 16. known as the troublemaker antibodies that involved in allergies
  8. 18. antibodies that secrete by _________ cell
  9. 22. it target the cell via pores
  10. 23. molecules such as perforin that causes cell killing refers to
  11. 24. this action prevent an out break of the disease known as ________immunity
  12. 25. type of protective white blood cell also known as______
  13. 26. part of organs the immune system
  14. 27. humoral immunity mediated via
  15. 30. one of part of adaptive immunity
  1. 2. this is an ideal honor organs
  2. 3. toxic chemical that secreted by bacteria this condition refer to bacterial
  3. 4. present in tear and kill bacteria
  4. 7. this is not part of innate immune system
  5. 9. first line defense of immune system called as ______response
  6. 10. this refer to pathogen that are dead but extremely weakened
  7. 11. prepared from the causative agent of disease
  8. 13. tissue graft that transplated from one site to another at the same person
  9. 14. type of identical chains
  10. 17. this is an process that involve the soluble antigenic molecule
  11. 19. treat poisonous snakebites
  12. 20. this secondary humoral responses provide immunological __________
  13. 21. mucus and skin ph of skin example of ________ defense
  14. 28. this cell are important in antigen-presenting cell
  15. 29. response, the body immune system is more rapid and more aggresive when the foreign cell attack.this condition called as _______