Impact of Crime Chapter 1

  1. 3. a strong belief something will happen
  2. 5. crime has directly or indirectly on
  3. 7. or harm caused by criminal
  4. 9. contrary to or forbidden by law
  5. 11. something done to individual(s) that causes harm
  6. 13. emotional, or psychological
  7. 14. In Florida, a crime victim or their
  8. 15. an area or a group of people who share something in common
  9. 16. committed the criminal act
  1. 1. the person(s)who are harmed because of a
  2. 2. payment, repair, or community service to pay back victims or a community for losses,
  3. 4. to compensate or makeup for a wrongdoing
  4. 6. a type of justice that looks at crime by focusing on the harm created by the
  5. 8. have a constitutional __________to be informed, present, and heard at all crucial stages of the proceedings of the offender
  6. 10. victim _________ is the physical,
  7. 12. physical injury, especially when deliberately inflicted