- 1. number of irregular verbs in the future tense
- 5. El nino se ___ (will swim) en la playa.
- 9. future tense conjugation of poder in the Ud. form
- 10. a word that means frequently used as a imperfect indicator
- 11. Los estudiantes ___ (will write) notas en la clase.
- 14. future tense conjugation of venir in the vosotros form
- 18. future tense conjugation of salir in the nosotros form
- 19. used to talk about what is to come (imperfecto/futuro)
- 21. the word will by itself does exist in Spanish
- 22. Yo ___ (used to call) a mis abuelos todos los dias.
- 2. future tense conjugation of caber in the yo form
- 3. Nosotros ___ (will sell) todos los juguetes.
- 4. used to describe actions that used to happen or happened repeatedly in the past (imperfecto/futuro)
- 6. number of verbs in the otros rule in the future tense
- 7. Ella siempre ___ (used to read) cinco libros al mes.
- 8. number of verbs in the DR rule in the future tense
- 12. there are no shoe verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
- 13. future tense conjugation of querer in the Uds. form
- 15. future tense conjugation of decir in the tu form
- 16. ___ (It used to be) las ocho y media de la maƱana.
- 17. ir, ser, and ver are the 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
- 20. number of verbs in the BR rule in the future tense