Imperial Rivalries

  1. 2. East Asian material coveted by Europeans.
  2. 4. East Asian spice.
  3. 5. the buying and selling of goods among countries.
  4. 9. Spain's neighbor to the west.
  5. 11. passage the Europeans were looking for.
  6. 13. location where Columbus landed.
  7. 14. important French explorer.
  8. 16. queen who financed Columbus.
  9. 17. English captain who sailed for the Dutch.
  1. 1. state of first English settlement in North America.
  2. 2. country that colonized Mexico.
  3. 3. having to do with the sea and sailing.
  4. 6. first European in the Americas.
  5. 7. country that claimed Canada.
  6. 8. number of voyages Columbus made.
  7. 10. king who backed Columbus.
  8. 12. main Dutch outpost or settlement.
  9. 15. first natives to encounter Columbus.
  10. 16. Columbus's native country.