- 2. ________ Rebellion that led to the end of the East India Trading Company in India and start of Raj Rule
- 4. Country that the U.S. built a canal in to increase sphere of influence in Latin America
- 6. Tyrannical leader in Latin American countries
- 8. _______ Empire in India during the 1700s that allowed the East India Trading Company to set up trading posts
- 9. Civil rights leader in India who was a lawyer and inspired many non-violent protests
- 11. Territory annexed by the U.S. that was controversial due to the overthrow of Queen Liluokalani
- 12. The _______ Restoration modernized Japan and expanded manufacturing
- 1. The _______ - American War led to the U.S. gaining territory throughout Latin America
- 3. _______ National Congress is a political group that fought for Indian civil rights
- 5. _______ Perry led a Naval fleet to Japan to negotiate a treaty to open up trade
- 7. Territory annexed by the U.S. that was rich in oil and fur but cold and far away
- 10. The East India _______ Company controlled India in order to gain trade routes/profits