- 4. A nickname foreigners called members of the secret society, Fists of Righteous Harmony
- 5. biased stories that newspapers present as truthful; this propaganda led Americans to support war with Spain.
- 6. U.S. policy that allowed all nations equal trade in China
- 8. referred to as a “splendid little war”
- 9. an agreement in which U.S. government removed its troops from Cuba if they allowed for U.S. naval bases in the island and intervention when necessary.
- 10. U.S. foreign policy in which the U.S. would ask first but bring along a big army to help convince them.
- 1. areas in a country where a foreign nation claims sole right to trade and invest
- 2. Stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations
- 3. sets up the civil government, where the president appoints governor, upper house
- 7. a shortcut created for Americans between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans