
  1. 3. Orders given to complete/follow actions, normally given by a leader
  2. 5. During the industrial revolution, England sent their criminals to an English colony in this country
  3. 6. The order to influence/direct people or countries
  4. 7. A country discovers by Captain Cook
  5. 8. the power of being superior, or being superior over someone or a group of people
  6. 12. A person who has committed a crime and must serve time in jail, or be transported to work in America
  7. 13. In the Victorian era, Queen Victoria was named Empress of this country
  8. 14. A leader/head of an elected governments. E.g, Julia Gillard
  9. 15. A large group of people, united by a common decent, history, language or culture/beliefs
  10. 16. To control and conduct the actions and affairs of a state/country
  11. 17. A leader/ruler of certain counrties who is of royal blood
  12. 19. A monarch/leader of a country has very much of this. E.g, similar to being rich
  13. 20. A crime committed against a Monarch or leader which normally lead to terrible punishments in the industrial revolution
  14. 22. During the Victorian era, many countries where found by Captain Cook. What is another word for found, associated with countries or land?
  15. 27. A male monarch is a....
  16. 28. The ability to have authority over objects and people
  17. 29. An armed conflict between countries over a disagreement or prejudice
  1. 1. A powerful policy that enables a nation to have authority over other nations (normally gained by war and aggressive behaviour
  2. 2. In the industrial revolution, one third of this country was controlled by England
  3. 4. A country or part of a country owned by another nation/country or countries
  4. 6. A country or nation which is linked with other nations or countries around the world
  5. 9. A leader of a republican state
  6. 10. When a country fights a war for freedom. This type of war is called a war for...
  7. 11. During the industrial revolution, when a convict had committed a crime, they would be sent away to America. This is called?
  8. 18. During the Victorian era, imperialistic countries gained this from other their people and other countries, for being brave and courageous
  9. 21. The rule of a king or queen, as Queen Victoria did during the Victorian era
  10. 23. A nation with its own government, and occupies its own land. E.g, Australia, China, Italy
  11. 24. A country which is not run by a single monarch, but by a group of people/politicians
  12. 25. Different countries under the rule of one main nation
  13. 26. A female monarch is a....