Importance of sleep

  1. 2. In need of more sleep than kids
  2. 4. Regulates sleep and wake cycle
  3. 7. Dream control
  4. 8. Have a adenosin receptor
  5. 10. Energy our body burns
  6. 11. Our sleep cylce has 5 of them
  7. 13. Forces Teenagers to wake up early all year
  1. 1. State of awareness and self-awareness within the dream
  2. 3. Must be critically viewed in regards to sleep
  3. 5. Dreaming phase
  4. 6. Method used to determine whether one is in a dream or waking state
  5. 9. Personal log where individuals record their dreams, helping to improve dream recall and identify recurring patterns.
  6. 12. Gets affected by sleep deprivation