Important People in Healthcare History

  1. 1. He was a painter but also did dissections to identify anatomy
  2. 6. He was born in ancient Greece and is considered the Father of Medicine
  3. 9. She was the pioneer of modern nursing practice
  4. 14. She was the first female member of the British Medical Association
  5. 15. He was the founder of the modern science of genetics
  6. 16. He designed the first mercury thermometer, and a temperature scale is named for him
  7. 17. He identified the Polio Vaccine
  8. 18. He never finished college and designed the first bifocals
  1. 2. He studied at Plato’s Academy
  2. 3. She founded the American Red Cross
  3. 4. He drew detailed drawings of the human anatomy
  4. 5. He separated conjoined twins who were attached at the head
  5. 7. He was most famous for identifying the pasteurization process and worked on vaccines
  6. 8. He prevented infection in wounds and identified modern infection control
  7. 10. The Father of Immunology was ______________
  8. 11. She discovered Polonium & Radium
  9. 12. She was the first woman to earn a medical degree in the US
  10. 13. He discovered how blood circulate throughout the body
  11. 16. He discovered Penicillin
  12. 19. He invented the stethoscope