Impossible to Be So Happy

  1. 1. got plighted
  2. 3. first wedding
  3. 6. totem wedding animal
  4. 8. the bride carried
  5. 11. David plus Tammy equals what?
  6. 14. luckiest spouse
  7. 15. city of the deed
  8. 17. something blue
  9. 19. what your love has made me
  10. 21. most awesome spouse
  11. 22. who you are, o my person
  12. 25. span of wedding contract
  13. 26. queen anne's lace and what?
  14. 27. oversaw the ceremony
  15. 28. Leonine wedding
  16. 29. the bride wore
  17. 30. wedding dinner town
  1. 1. wedding contraband
  2. 2. bride's "limousine"
  3. 4. wedding cake
  4. 5. what the groom owes
  5. 7. groom's kiss tickler
  6. 9. founder of the feast
  7. 10. where the ring went
  8. 12. the bride goes weak in knees at this feature of the groom
  9. 13. my luxury, were I with thee
  10. 16. her life ever after
  11. 18. honeymoon
  12. 20. makes our world go round
  13. 23. the groom's mind
  14. 24. the bride re the groom
  15. 25. span of wedded bliss