Impressionism & Post-Impressionism (Use note slides)

  1. 2. most famous work: The Burghers of Calais
  2. 7. Monet's technique of painting outdoors
  3. 9. developed here in 1860
  4. 10. American woman painter
  5. 11. critics faulted painters for this appearance of quality
  6. 13. became an artist at age 27
  7. 14. is a direct sensation
  8. 17. was used to convey the passage of time
  9. 18. Impressionists referred to themselves as this
  1. 1. colors were used
  2. 3. how the world was seen to paint & didn't rely on realistic depictions
  3. 4. born in Paris and one of the most celebrated Impressionists
  4. 5. portrayed the Parisian society in his work
  5. 6. skilled draftsman & portraitist
  6. 8. first woman to exhibit her work with Impressionists
  7. 10. invention of this made artists reexamine their art
  8. 12. drawing and painting technique using dots
  9. 15. first painted in 1889 after being bought art supplies
  10. 16. was a color used for shading