In Sickness And In Health

  1. 1. Flu / Influenza strain which caused 2009 pandemic
  2. 4. / a folded protein which is thought to cause some diseases of the nervous system
  3. 5. Hilleman / Inventor of vaccination (specifically smallpox)
  4. 8. / A type of medication used to treat bacterially caused illnesses
  5. 10. / A state of having good health and happiness
  6. 11. / A parasitic worm
  1. 2. / An extreme outbreak of a disease in an area
  2. 3. / A physiological malfuction which damages the neurons in the brain and causes memory loss
  3. 6. / A microorganism which causes disease
  4. 7. / A hormone produced by the pancreas. Deficiency causes diabetes.
  5. 9. / Present from birth
  6. 12. / An STI caused by the fungus Candida albicans