- 1. Tree or log that is unmerchantable because of defects
- 2. metal arm protruding from a machine
- 4. evergreen with red berries
- 5. Spruce genus
- 7. intermediate stage found in ecological succession
- 8. Pile of evenly stacked cordwood
- 12. Charcoal-like substance made by burning forest waste
- 13. Flying mammal
- 14. Partially decomposed organic material of the forest floor
- 15. Sled used for yarding logs
- 16. To cut a tree into lengths after it has been felled
- 18. A forester or logger who estimates the amount of timber in a sale, usually by walking over it.
- 22. The blowing over of a tree at its roots
- 24. silver salmon
- 25. A stationary multiple drum machine, powered by steam until the prevalence of the internal combustion engine
- 26. stack of firewood
- 27. Visible fruiting body of a wood-destroying fungus
- 28. It's what we're all about
- 29. a tool to measure the diameter of a tree
- 31. woody material left on a site after logging
- 34. woody decay
- 35. Value of timber as it stands uncut in the woods
- 37. Madrona genus
- 38. Common Quercus
- 1. Shrub with useful bark
- 2. Main trunk of the tree
- 3. some species are known for their big leaves
- 4. to move logs to a landing
- 6. Drags logs to landing
- 7. A group or area of trees
- 9. Abbreviation denoting 1,000 board feet
- 10. subject for bryologists
- 11. Mechanically ground or chemically digested wood
- 13. to cut trees into shorter lengths
- 16. parts of woody plants eaten by forest animals
- 17. The main top shoot of a tree
- 18. Upper part of a tree
- 19. known for night sight?
- 20. A cross between a yarder and a loader.
- 21. small rabbit relative
- 23. Pile of logs on a landing
- 27. Small piece of wood used to make pulp
- 28. Waterproof clothing worn by loggers in the rainy Pacific Northwest
- 29. layer of tissue beneath bark
- 30. to sever after felling
- 32. A standing dead tree. Wonderful for owls; unpredictable for loggers
- 33. An area of land measuring 43,560 square feet
- 34. broadleaf with red berries
- 36. One cause of tree rub