
  1. 2. cobb is the _________
  2. 7. joseph-gordon levitt
  3. 8. a _____ piece is Ariadne's totem
  4. 10. where the fight between arthur and some men took place (gravity goes weird)
  5. 15. the director of Inception
  6. 16. the whole idea of another world when you sleep
  7. 17. cobb's manager
  8. 18. eames was found here in the back of a shop
  9. 21. planting an idea rather than stealing one
  10. 23. cobb's daughter
  11. 25. something that does something to tell you that you are in a dream or not in a dream
  12. 26. the most common weapon in the whole movie
  13. 27. eg. the neverending staircase
  1. 1. the person who stays in the first dream
  2. 3. what is Cobb and his team running out of?
  3. 4. the maker of the mazes
  4. 5. what they go into when they steal information
  5. 6. cobb's wife
  6. 8. at the start, the dream was __________
  7. 9. cobb's totem
  8. 10. the person who composed the music
  9. 11. 'an idea can grow to define, or destroy you.'
  10. 12. a very powerful ________ to make the dreams stable
  11. 13. how many dream within a dreams did Cobb and Ariadne go through?
  12. 14. the godfather of fischer
  13. 19. who's mind they have to go into
  14. 20. cobb's son
  15. 22. 'you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling'
  16. 24. the first name of cobb