
  1. 2. This desert fills most of Rajasthan
  2. 5. to Madhya
  3. 7. This country is East of Jharkhand
  4. 9. This is the subcontinent we are studying
  5. 10. Dots of this color represent deserts
  6. 11. In this country you would find the capital, Kathmandu
  7. 13. This country is located off the southern coast of India
  8. 16. This color is used to represent water features
  9. 17. This country was formerly known as Burma
  1. 1. This Middle Eastern country is Northwest of Pakistan
  2. 3. This is the capital of Sri Lanka
  3. 4. You would have to travel this direction to go from
  4. 6. This sea is off the west coast of Maharashtra
  5. 8. This mountain range separates India from China
  6. 12. This city is sometimes spelled Kolkata
  7. 14. This river flows through Pakistan
  8. 15. This city is located in West Bengal
  9. 18. These are the southernmost islands on your map