India crossword

  1. 1. Located in south-central Asia (Mt. Everest)
  2. 6. Large land mass; own geographic identity
  3. 8. Ethnic group that settled in India from Northern Europe
  4. 9. Siddhartha Gautama founded this faith
  5. 12. Languages of Pakistan
  6. 13. Official language of Pakistan
  7. 14. Main principles of Buddhism
  8. 18. Seasonal winds that bring great amounts of rain
  9. 19. Process of birth, life, death, rebirth
  10. 22. Famous Hindu temple
  11. 23. Fundamentalists who ruled Afghanistan prior to 9/11
  12. 24. Ancient ethnic group in Cambodia
  1. 2. A group of islands (Hawaii)
  2. 3. Inherited social class
  3. 4. Large ancient cities in the Indus Valley
  4. 5. Found at the mouth of the river
  5. 7. books of knowledge
  6. 10. Set of guidelines to escape suffering
  7. 11. World's oldest organized religion
  8. 15. Classical language of India/Hinduism
  9. 16. Small particles moved by wind, water, or ice
  10. 17. Plateau High area covering most of Southern India
  11. 20. Plains Area between Himalaya Mts. and Southern India
  12. 21. Commonly used to make twine