  1. 3. There was too much human ___ in the world which is why Siddartha created Buddhism
  2. 4. Means "the enlightened one"
  3. 7. Buddhists and Hindus both believed in ____
  4. 10. Siddartha meditated foe 7 weeks under the Tree of ____
  5. 11. Hindus reincarnated until they reached ____
  6. 13. Where Buddhists close their eyes and clear their mind
  7. 15. Hindu word for soul
  1. 1. Siddartha grew up ____
  2. 2. Siddartha was a ____
  3. 3. One who created Buddhism
  4. 5. Religion in which they believe in many gods
  5. 6. Universal spirit in Hinduism
  6. 8. Hindus believed the world was an ____
  7. 9. There are ____ for almost everything in Hiinduism
  8. 12. Hindus believed in ____
  9. 14. King who sent missionaries all over Asia to tell about Buddhism