
  1. 1. A container made from clay.
  2. 3. The effects of good or bad actions on a person's soul.
  3. 5. Invaders from Central Asia who took power in the Indus Valley.
  4. 7. Dessert found in Western India.
  5. 9. The lowest social group in the Varnas.
  6. 10. Hisdu god also know as the destroyer.
  7. 11. The Indian priests were in the group called the __________.
  8. 13. large land mass that is separated from its continent by physical features.
  9. 15. The first know civilization to develop along the Indus river.
  10. 16. The main Hindu god.
  11. 17. A division in Indian society based on birth, wealth, and occupation.
  12. 18. The four main social divisions in India.
  13. 19. River along which Indian civilization developed.
  1. 1. The belief in many gods.
  2. 2. The most important language of India.
  3. 4. seasonal wind patterns that causes wet and dry seasons
  4. 6. Hindu god also known as the preserver.
  5. 8. The process of rebirth is called ______________.
  6. 12. The Worlds highest mountain range
  7. 14. Hindu god of the sky and war.