- 2. A country that borders northwest India
- 10. Percent employed in agriculture
- 11. English and what language are the most populous in India
- 12. A delta by Bangladesh
- 14. One of the four classes usually priests or teachers
- 15. Landowners or rulers
- 16. Siddhartha Gautama founded this religion
- 17. Shudra are usually these
- 18. Plateau in southern India
- 20. Two of the beliefs they have are reincarnation and Karma
- 23. Code of behavior
- 1. Merchants doctors or farmers
- 3. A sea that borders western India
- 4. There is a lot of this economic activity
- 5. Seasonal winds
- 6. Another name for Untouchables
- 7. All things in nature have souls
- 8. Population
- 9. Mountain range that is northern of Nepal
- 13. Many of the men of this religion become soldiers
- 19. A place were most Sikhs live
- 21. Number of how large the country is in the world
- 22. Peoples position in society