
  1. 4. Indonesia’s capital city
  2. 5. a place of worship
  3. 7. A group of islands
  4. 8. blike population or ……………… `
  5. 11. Second most popular religion in Indonesia
  6. 14. Indonesia has a ……………… climate
  7. 15. Found in a museum
  8. 17. Indonesia has a lot of ………………..
  9. 18. A country
  10. 19. A popular Indonesian sport
  11. 20. A popular tourist attraction in Indonesia
  1. 1. Found in reefs
  2. 2. Indonesia is famous for its wood …………….
  3. 3. A food grown in Indonesia
  4. 6. Indonesia has a high ……………… rate
  5. 9. Indonesia has a large ………………..
  6. 10. Most popular religion in Indonesia
  7. 12. What people believe in
  8. 13. a popular attraction in Indonesia
  9. 16. Indonesia has a lot of …………..
  10. 18. A small land mass