
  1. 1. A food grown in Indonesia
  2. 3. a place of worship
  3. 7. blike population or ……………… `
  4. 9. A group of islands
  5. 10. A small land mass
  6. 11. Second most popular religion in Indonesia
  7. 15. Indonesia’s capital city
  8. 17. What people believe in
  9. 18. Most popular religion in Indonesia
  10. 19. a popular attraction in Indonesia
  11. 20. Indonesia has a lot of …………..
  1. 2. Found in reefs
  2. 4. Indonesia has a high ……………… rate
  3. 5. Indonesia has a lot of ………………..
  4. 6. A popular tourist attraction in Indonesia
  5. 8. Indonesia is famous for its wood …………….
  6. 11. Indonesia has a large ………………..
  7. 12. A country
  8. 13. Indonesia has a ……………… climate
  9. 14. A popular Indonesian sport
  10. 16. Found in a museum