Indoor Winter Activities

  1. 2. This year, I'm ______ my family's Christmas dinner. I want to make sure everything is perfect.
  2. 5. Before I go Christmas shopping, I _______ a list of the presents I have to buy.
  3. 7. If you don't like the outdoors, you can still _______ out in the family room. You just need a few blankets and your imagination.
  4. 8. Many _______ have free entrance on the first Sunday of the month. My favorite is the Exploratorium.
  5. 9. Grandma always _______ a scarf for everyone in the family every year.
  6. 10. I'm planning on ______-watching my favorite series on my next break.
  7. 11. My favorite thing to do when I'm home is solving ______ puzzles.
  8. 13. Every December, I ______ my closet of things I don't need anymore.
  1. 1. I always like to try a new _______ in winter. It gives me the opportunity to try different foods.
  2. 3. This indoor activity requires special shoes and knocking down a set of pins down a lane.
  3. 4. As the days get shorter and colder, all I can think of is taking a ______.
  4. 6. It's hard for me to _______ outside when it's cold. That is why I go to the gym.
  5. 10. I always _____ my favorite cookies at the beginning of winter.
  6. 12. People usually ______ football on Thanksgiving.