Industrial Revolution

  1. 3. natural feature used to load/unload goods
  2. 7. used in factories to perform work once done by hands (the most important machine)
  3. 8. another name for large scale farming
  4. 10. a result of burning so much coal
  5. 13. nation in which the Industrial Revolution started (Great Britain)
  6. 14. another name for the agriculture revolution
  1. 1. what happened to the population as a result of better farming techniques
  2. 2. buildings with workers & machines
  3. 4. a type of air pollution
  4. 5. fatal disease or toxic/poisonous agent
  5. 6. water-born disease spread by contaminated water
  6. 9. growth of cities
  7. 11. man-made waterways used to ship goods
  8. 12. fueled engines, machines, & factories