Industrial Revolution and Imperialism

  1. 4. Industry Before the Industrial Revolution, most products were manufactured on a small scale and people often worked out of their homes.
  2. 5. Pride in your country/ the desire to be an independent country.
  3. 8. Another word for money
  4. 11. Local officials are removed from power due to resisting colonization
  5. 13. European countries were competing with one another for power.
  6. 14. Businesses primarily invested on _________ to increase production.
  7. 15. Durch settlers that settled in South Africa
  8. 17. “hands off” – no government interference in the economy
  9. 19. European countries agreed on how Africa would be colonized and how trade would work like.
  10. 20. movie that depicts how imperialism looks like
  11. 21. countries wanted direct control over large areas of land, especially in Africa and Asia
  12. 23. Some believed that Europeans had a moral and religious responsibility to “civilize” others
  13. 24. __________ had the most colonies at the end of imperialism.
  14. 25. _________ lead to more business, more taxes, a stronger military.
  15. 28. The right of unions to negotiate with employees over wages and hours.
  16. 29. Acronym for the reasons of New Imperialism.
  17. 30. _________: means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  18. 32. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
  19. 33. a state that is controlled and protected by another.
  20. 35. The inventor of the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts.
  21. 36. Government controls all and all the people are the same.
  1. 1. ________ connects the Mediterranian Sea to the Red Sea.
  2. 2. Famous for discovering the invention of the light bulb.
  3. 3. __________ __________ like rivers, coal and iron helped the industrialization be successful.
  4. 6. a policy of expanding national territory
  5. 7. someone who takes the financial risks of starting a new business.
  6. 9. Adam Smith’s book on capitalism
  7. 10. person or society that only cares about how they look, or how they are perceived.
  8. 12. the use of private money or goods to produce profit of more money or goods.(investment)
  9. 16. Local rulers allowed to maintain authority
  10. 18. belief that the strongest nations would survive in the constant global struggle
  11. 22. A relatively brief conflict in which Boer settlers successfully resisted a British attempt to annex Transvaal, and re-establish an independent republic
  12. 26. Demand for natural resources increased
  13. 27. Movement This forced many to move from the country to towns and cities to find work, giving factories plenty of labor.
  14. 31. ___________ created the steam engine.
  15. 34. _____________ is good.