Industrial Revolution and Reform Movement Review

  1. 3. Movement to end the over consumption (use) of alcohol
  2. 7. The plantation economy expanded because of the increased demand for slaves after this invention by Eli Whitney
  3. 8. Factories were mostly located in the _________ because of the fast moving rivers and larger population
  4. 10. The abolition movement was trying to end what practice?
  5. 11. New methods of ________ allowed people to move around the country easier and decreased the cost to transport goods
  6. 12. Irish and Chinese immigrants worked building the _____________ to connect one side of the country to the other
  7. 14. The free enterprise system led to innovative ways of mass ________
  8. 16. Irish immigrants moved to the USA to escape famine caused by the failure of this crop
  9. 17. Movement of people from one country to another
  10. 19. Factories were located along _____ to take advantage of their power before electricity
  11. 20. Push for increased rights for women in the country and workforce
  1. 1. This invention helped people travel faster along the rivers and decreased the cost to transport goods and materials
  2. 2. Invention that used Morse Code to transmit messages instantly across long distances
  3. 4. Revolution The name of the time period which saw the rise of the manufacturing industry and new forms of technology that made people’s lives easier
  4. 5. The rapid growth of cities caused by an increase in manufacturing
  5. 6. The amount of people living in the country is known as _________, this increased in America in the 1800s because of the high amounts of immigration
  6. 9. This immigrant group experienced discrimination due to their practice of Catholicism
  7. 13. Movement to end slavery
  8. 15. These immigrants moved to the USA to escape natural disasters and the collapse of the rural economy in their homeland
  9. 18. _____ at factories led people to move from the countryside into the cities