Industrial Revolution Brainpop

  1. 2. What four things improved communication and transportation? Telegraph, telephone, steamship and ______.
  2. 5. What word has so to with raising crops and farming?
  3. 7. Steam Power replaced _____________.
  4. 9. Cars would not have been possible without ____ wells.
  5. 10. Instead of going to ________, children were expected to work!
  6. 12. What completely changed the way people lived and worked?
  7. 13. What did James Watt invent?
  8. 15. What word has to do with factories and business?
  9. 16. having to do with farming or not living near a lot of people
  10. 19. What made it easier and faster to build things?
  11. 20. another word for cloth/fabric (used with a loom)
  1. 1. having to do with cities or living near many people
  2. 3. What is a machine called that makes cloth out of thread?
  3. 4. People left their farm jobs to move to the city to work in________.
  4. 6. Eli Whitney invented the ________.
  5. 8. The first industrial revolution started in what European country?
  6. 11. Which country led the Second Industrial Revolution?
  7. 14. What was a cheaper source of power than the steam engine?
  8. 17. What was a negative effect of cars burning oil?
  9. 18. By 1900, the United States went from farming societies to ________ societies.