Industrial Revolution Introduction Readings Crossword

  1. 3. word that means access to workers
  2. 5. farming innovation/technique that greatly boosted the production of food
  3. 6. the process of moving from hand production to machine production
  4. 8. pieces of land bought by wealthy landowners and closed off to poorer farmers
  5. 10. second major source of energy (after water) of the early industrial revolution
  6. 11. inventor of the seed drill
  7. 12. key geographic feature that powered the early factories of the industrial revolution
  1. 1. the growth of cities and city-dwelling
  2. 2. word that means access to wealth
  3. 4. key elements needed for a nation to industrialize
  4. 7. first industry that underwent industrialization
  5. 9. to where evicted farmers moved