Industrial Revolution Vocabulary

  1. 2. Monroe 5th President
  2. 3. Whitney Brought English textile machinery designs to the U.S.A
  3. 7. The belief that national interests should be placed ahead of regional concerns or of other countries
  4. 10. Line mechanical system in a factory article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
  5. 12. of 1824 Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams to go to the House of Representatives to see who will be President
  6. 13. a plant consisting of buildings with facilities for manufacturing
  7. 15. of Abomination Name given to the 1816 tariff by John C. Calhoun
  1. 1. The act of placing the interests of one region over the good of the country
  2. 4. Removal Act of 1830 Andrew Jackson decided to force Native Americans to leave their land and move west
  3. 5. Revolution The transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation
  4. 6. Engine External combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder
  5. 8. Developed the cherokee alphabet in order to preserve their culture
  6. 9. Wayne Debate Debate over states rights versus the absolute power of the federal government
  7. 11. Doctrine Stated that European powers should stay out of affairs in the Western Hemisphere(Latin America, Alaska)
  8. 14. Gin First textile machine of the Industrial Revolution