Industrial Revolution

  1. 3. machine that uses energy released by the burning of fuel into motion
  2. 5. machine used to spin cotton and other fibers in mills
  3. 7. dominate cash crop of the south
  4. 8. farming the specialized economy of the west
  5. 9. the most important canal that provided the 1st major link between the east and the west
  6. 10. the first steamboat
  7. 11. population shift from rural to urban areas
  8. 13. the importance of cotton on the antebellum economy that it became known as ______
  9. 15. the most famous textile mill, located in Massachusetts
  10. 17. invented by John Deere, used for farming to break up tough soil
  11. 19. became the most efficient and most used transportation network in america
  1. 1. a type of cloth or woven fabric
  2. 2. farming tool used for cutting and gathering crops at harvest
  3. 3. when a nations economy depends on one kind of industry
  4. 4. the prejudice from native born americans on immagrants
  5. 6. self contained world where the owner ruled over slaves with absolute authority
  6. 12. machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds
  7. 14. the specialized economy of the north
  8. 16. agricultural crop that is grown for sale to return a profit
  9. 18. mechanised loom powered by a line shaft used from weaving