Industrial Revolution

  1. 4. interests of region concerns over the good of the country
  2. 6. defeated John Quincy Adams for president
  3. 7. Europen powers should stay out of affairs
  4. 11. First textile machine of the Industrial Revolution
  5. 12. This is known as the "Tariff of Abomination"
  6. 14. President died in office of pneumonia
  7. 15. developed the cherokee alphabet
  1. 1. Gave the federal government power to regulate anything that crossed state lines
  2. 2. 5th president of the United States
  3. 3. Andrew Jackson passed a law that this particular crisis was illegal
  4. 5. debate; Debate over state rights over the power of the federal government Calhoun; Argued that the Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional
  5. 8. Vice president that assumes office for the 1st time
  6. 9. belief that national interests were over regional concerns
  7. 10. where Industrial revolution began
  8. 13. decade that the Industrial Revolution began