industrialization and imperialism By: Alex

  1. 4. gap between the rich and poor
  2. 7. A person that started their own business
  3. 9. the government owns and controls the factors of production
  4. 18. Germany Britain France and Russia controlled tried within china
  5. 20. political theory, advocated by Bismarck, that national success justifies any means possible
  6. 21. one race over another
  7. 22. Chang of making simple things into making massed produced items
  8. 23. Chang of making simple things into making massed produced items
  9. 24. the ruler treats the people like children
  10. 25. he led the unification of germany
  1. 1. german emperor
  2. 2. skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers
  3. 3. attempted to end foreign influence
  4. 5. addition of new territory
  5. 6. equal opportunity to trade with china
  6. 8. sparked by two country efforts to dominate Manchuria and Korea
  7. 10. Fencing of the common land which caused the population to move to cities
  8. 11. land,labor,and capital and the three groups
  9. 12. taking land for its location and products
  10. 13. when a nation dominates another
  11. 14. having people and machines in one building
  12. 15. moving from rural areas to cities
  13. 16. factors of production is owned by the people
  14. 17. the government owns all the property
  15. 19. china attempted to stop this trade