Industrialization and Imperialism

  1. 1. Dutch settlers in South Africa
  2. 3. English naturalist
  3. 8. A policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights.
  4. 9. to withdraw formally from an association or alliance
  5. 13. also known as King Rama IV
  6. 14. The adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.
  7. 17. a member of a Polynesian people who settled in New Zealand around ad800
  8. 19. study of government and its policies as affected by physical geography
  9. 24. elected president
  10. 25. change through natural selection
  11. 33. a colony to which convicts are sent as an alternative prison
  12. 34. a line of workers who each put a single piece of an unfinished car as they pass by a moving belt
  13. 36. an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers
  14. 38. The republic that was established in France after the downfall of Napoleon and ended with the German occupation of France during the World War Two
  15. 39. A human-made waterway, which was opened in 1869, connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
  16. 40. an unofficial nationalist military force seeking independence for Ireland from Great Britain
  17. 41. rule after India came under the British crown during the reign of Queen Victoria
  18. 44. (1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose
  19. 46. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  20. 47. a machine that sent messages instantly over wires
  21. 48. an 1857 rebellion of Hindu and Muslim soldiers against the British in India
  22. 49. Indian troops who served in the British army
  23. 51. Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
  24. 52. a ship canal 40 miles long across the Isthmus of Panama built by the United States (1904-1914)
  25. 53. the British colony of India--- so called because of its importance in the British empire, both as a supplier of raw materials and as a market for British trade goods
  26. 54. Popular with her subjects and performed her duties capably
  1. 2. Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.
  2. 4. The right to vote
  3. 5. the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests
  4. 6. Emperor of Ethiopia who played Italians, British, and French against each other while buying weapons from France and Russia. In the Battle of Adowa, Ethiopian forces successfully defeated the Italians and maintained their independence.
  5. 7. Marie Curie named this energy
  6. 10. Movement founded in the 1890's to promote Jewish self-determination and the establishment of a Jewish state in the ancient Jewish homeland
  7. 11. the idea popular among mid 19th century Americans that it was the right and duty of the united states to rule north american from the atlantic to the pacific
  8. 12. Prejudice against jews
  9. 15. in the British Empire a nation allowed to govern its own domestic affairs
  10. 16. A controversy in France in the 1890's, centering on the trial and imprisonment of a Jewish army officer
  11. 18. the study of human mind and behavior
  12. 20. separation
  13. 21. an economic and social region including the country's surrounding the pacific ocean
  14. 22. Cuban poet and journalist who organized a guerilla revolution against Spain in 1895- "Cuba Libre" free Cuba was his battle cry-and sought US support and intervention.
  15. 23. a control over internal matters granted to the residents of a region by a ruling government
  16. 26. A meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa
  17. 27. Belief that one race is superior to another
  18. 28. The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.
  19. 29. In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence
  20. 30. the appeal of art, writing, music, and other forms of entertainment to a large audience
  21. 31. a conflict between Northern and Southern States of the United States over the issue of slavery from 1861-1865
  22. 32. a declaration issued by US president Abraham Lincoln in 1863 stating that all slaves in the Confederate states were free
  23. 35. Between the British and the Boers
  24. 37. a member of any of the native peoples of Australia
  25. 42. A Zulu chief in Southern Africa who used soldiers and good military organization to create a large centralized state.
  26. 43. Members of the working class demanded reforms in Parliament and in elections, including suffrage for all men
  27. 45. Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized national governments to impose their concept of rule; typical throughout newly independent countries of Latin America.
  28. 50. interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas