Industry and services

  1. 1. Toyko, London, and NYC are the only _____ cities.
  2. 6. allows goods to move easily from one country to another.
  3. 7. Doctors, grocery stores, gas stations are found in ?
  4. 9. An industry whose products increase in size or weight during manufacturing.
  5. 11. In the Central place theory Atlanta is considered a
  6. 14. in which the cost of transporting both raw materials and finished product is not important for the location of firms.
  7. 15. Shanghai, Nariobi are what types of cities?
  8. 18. Istanbul is the best example for this type of city
  9. 19. Countries where more specialized techniques took place for manufacturing
  10. 23. Pittsburgh and Lafayette are countries that have been?
  11. 24. Mexico city, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Toronto are what type of cities
  12. 25. the Principle city in a state or country
  1. 2. The largest settlement in a country, if it has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement.
  2. 3. lowest level of settlements
  3. 4. Location factors related to the transportation of materials in to and from a factory
  4. 5. Countries that mainly took advantage of cheap labor
  5. 8. Countries where all the low tech parts of manufacturing took place
  6. 10. the cause of the rustbelt?
  7. 12. The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service
  8. 13. The collection in Exit 13 is an example of ?
  9. 16. Cities Amsterdam, Jakarta, Caracas, Melbourne, and Osaka are what type of cities?
  10. 17. Costs that vary or change depending on the location of an industrial activity.
  11. 20. areas that can be either clustered or dispersed
  12. 21. Costs that remain the same no matter where a business chooses to locate.
  13. 22. Location factors that related to the coasts of factors of production inside a plant, such as land, labor, and capital