
  1. 2. Reserve/A supply of energy that is thought to exist but hasn’t been discovered
  2. 3. of something that producers have available for sale
  3. 6. Trade/Countries are open about trade with foreign countries and even investing in international markets
  4. 8. to Knowledge/A country’s education level that also is a measure of a country’s development
  5. 9. Sector/Service industries that cater to the general population and businesses
  6. 10. Factors/Has to do with distance a manufactured product has to go before it can enter stores
  7. 12. and Healthy Life/Important to a country’s development that includes a country’s life expectancy
  8. 13. Site Factors/Consists of: labor industry, capital industry, and land industry
  9. 14. Reserve/A supply of energy that has been discovered
  10. 16. that consumers are willing and able to buy
  11. 17. Atlantic Free Trade Agreement/North American continent trades their mass manufactured goods with each other
  1. 1. nations interacting with each other, like: investments, trade, or technology
  2. 3. Sufficiency/Countries rely on their own people to produce goods and not trade with other countries
  3. 4. Services/Provide security and protection for citizens and businesses
  4. 5. Services/Provide services to individual consumers who desire and can afford them
  5. 7. Sector/Job that extracts raw materials and basic foods
  6. 10. Sector/Manufactures finished goods including processing and construction
  7. 11. Trade Organization/An organization that deals with trade between nations
  8. 15. Services/Facilitate other businesses
  9. 16. Standard of Living/Consists of: Gross National Income and Purchasing Power Party that measures how a citizen lives in that country