Infancy Vocabulary

  1. 2. Pattern of development that occurs from the body core to the extremities.
  2. 6. Emotional connection between an infant and caregiver.
  3. 7. Type of anxiety infants experience when their caregiver or parent leaves them in the care of a stranger.
  4. 10. A mother's intense sadness and oftentimes emotional withdrawal from others after giving birth.
  5. 12. Type of anxiety that occurs when around unfamiliar people, peaking in infants between 9 and 12 months.
  6. 13. When infants play alone without interacting with others.
  7. 14. Emotional connection that a parent or caregiver develops with a baby.
  1. 1. A part of personality that reflects how a person interacts with the environment.
  2. 2. Picking up items using a coordinated motion of thumb and forefinger.
  3. 3. When a baby scrapes up an object using all of the fingers into the palm of the hand.
  4. 4. Piaget's first stage of cognitive development that begins with reflexes and ends with the use of symbols.
  5. 5. When the stomach is raised off the floor and movement is achieved by moving the hands and knees to pull the body forward.
  6. 8. Movement that is accomplished by laying on the stomach and pulling forward with shoulders and arms.
  7. 9. A reflect that is the natural inclination of newborns to turn their head toward the food source when the side of their mouth is stroked.
  8. 11. Type of play when a baby observes and focuses on an object or activity.