Diabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral oedema in Sweden—a 2-year paediatric population study

  1. 4. DKA is more common at presentation in ______ diabetes than the incidence of DKA in children with established diabetes
  2. 7. The frequency of ketoacidosis at onset of paediatric diabetes was 26% in ________
  3. 9. DKA at onset of Type 1 diabetes mellitus was more common in young children (< 4 years of age),in children without a first-degree relative with Type 1 diabetes, and in those from families with lower _________ status
  4. 10. DKA at presentation of diabetes was more common in which gender?
  5. 11. Cerebral oedema accounts for between 57 and 87% of all DKA-related ______
  1. 1. The most dreaded complication of DKA
  2. 2. An increased serum _____ implies an increased risk of cerebral oedema
  3. 3. It is important to add to IV fluids to prevent electrolyte imbalance
  4. 5. The Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles reported a decrease in DKA rates from 86% in 1994 to 26% in 1998 after introducing a ________ programme
  5. 6. The following are all signs of cerebral oedema: abnormal respiratory pattern and oxygenation, abnormal response to pain, onset of headache, gradual decrease or deterioration in consciousness, age-inappropriate incontinence, inappropriate slowing of the pulse rate, and an increase in blood pressure
  6. 8. A drug used to help treat cerebral oedema
  7. 9. Which country has one of the highest recorded rates of diabetes in children?