Infection of the bone

  1. 4. A common sub-type of sub acute osteomyelitis
  2. 5. This type of osteomyelitis accounts for 47% of cases
  3. 8. haematogenous __________ is a cause of osteomyelitis accounting for 19% of cases
  4. 9. The most common bacteria causing bone infection
  1. 1. Although cellulitis can be diagnosed by a physical exam, it can be confirmed by __________
  2. 2. The term for osteomyelitis caused by the blood stream
  3. 3. Causes of cellulitis include grazes, cuts & ____________
  4. 6. The term for osteomyelitis following an injury or after surgery
  5. 7. Patients at risk of developing osteomyelitis have arthritis, sickle cell anaemia & ___________
  6. 10. These can form if the infection is not treated properly