Inferno Vocabulary Quiz Cantos 26-30

  1. 4. A torture instrument in which a person is placed inside a brass bull that is then placed over a fire.
  2. 5. Fourth caliph of Islam who lived ca. 600-661 AD; considered the first capilh by the Shiites, son-in-law of Mahomet.
  3. 6. The hero of Homer's Odyssey, a king of Ithaca and a Greek leader in the Trojan War.
  4. 8. In Homer's Odyssey, an enchantress who turns men into swine.
  5. 9. Arab prophet who lived ca. 570-632 AD and was the founder of modern Islam.
  6. 10. In Roman mythology, the god of the sea, the same as the Greek god Poseidon
  1. 1. In Greek mythology, the artist and builder of the Labyrinth in Crete from which, by means of wings he made, he and his son Icarus escaped.
  2. 2. Early form of chemistry with magical associations that aimed to change base metals into gold.
  3. 3. Greek myth about a youth who, after Echo's death, is made to pine away for love of his own reflection in a spring and changes into the narcissus.
  4. 7. Ulysses' wife who waits faithfully for his return from the Trojan War.