Info Technology

  1. 3. program language
  2. 5. it is free to use to get on the internet at cafes
  3. 7. checking products for problems
  4. 10. a famous social network website
  5. 12. numbers entered/held in a computer
  6. 13. you print documents on a_____
  7. 14. putting secret information into code
  8. 16. the act of using information
  9. 17. the act of protecting information
  10. 18. helping people use/understand technology
  1. 1. most powerful computer
  2. 2. programs/instructions added to computers
  3. 4. device used to see people's faces on a computer
  4. 6. the physical parts of a computer
  5. 8. company that produces smart phones
  6. 9. a portable computer
  7. 11. connected to the Internet
  8. 15. an popular AI program