
  1. 3. application of computer technology to nursing
  2. 4. the exchange and use of information between systems
  3. 5. professional reports, articles, information
  4. 7. standardized terminology for nursing interventions, diagnoses,and outcomes
  5. 8. systematized nomenclature of medical and nursing terminology
  6. 10. database of nursing and allied health literature
  7. 12. use of information and communication technologies to deliver care by distance
  8. 14. mobile health care
  9. 15. ability to access, use and act on information for health
  10. 16. canadian privacy legislation
  1. 1. project in which some canadian nurses use standarized forms for data collection
  2. 2. minimum number of essential nursing data elements
  3. 6. longitudinal record of a person's health status
  4. 9. electronic charting system used here in Cape Breton
  5. 11. use of tools and processes to solve human problems
  6. 13. record commonly used in primary care and ambulatory settings